Deep River Performance

The Flow of Negro Spirituals Through Time

Alex developed this show to shine a light on an often overlooked and neglected part of our American cultural heritage. One of his first interactions with music was through the negro spiritual. Singing in the Lucy Kinchen Chorale – a choir that specializes in the negro spiritual – he was able to learn about and experience the depth and profound simplicity in the art form at a very formative age. He was entranced by the powerful expression of complex emotions through the simplest repeated phrases.

The music seeped into his every waking moment. The Negro Spiritual inspired him to write his own versions of the music that helped shape his artistic dialect. Despite the similarities in structure, and even in harmonic and melodic content between each song, they all seem to have their own mood, their own unique way to tell their story. He hopes to share with you the transformative impact that this music can have on our communities and personal choices. He hopes to reveal the power that is embedded in each piece. He hopes to take you on a journey to deepen your knowledge and your humanity.